

We have assembled a few resources for you to look over as you think about your church, your leadership, and the transition season you are about to experience. Interim Ministry Partners (IMP) believe that an effective transition is rooted in good theology, careful process, and healthy teaching. These resources will give you tools to address each of these areas.

We hope these resources will be a blessing to you and your congregation. Your comments and feedback are appreciated.

Notice that this “Resource” area is divided into several different categories. The “Recommended Books” category identifies some of the general subject books we recommend to church leaders (and churches) as they face seasons of transition. The “Booklets” category includes links to material IMP has developed that is specific to our processes or focused on particular transition issues. The “Video Presentations” category provides links to seminars or sermons you might find encouraging and helpful. The ”Websites” category will link you to other websites (related to the interim season) you might want to view.

The Status of Churches of Christ

Click here to view the following articles/reports

  • Losing Our Hope, Seeking A Future (Synopsis) 
  • A Demographic Study of Fifty Congregations of the Churches of Christ
  • Churches of Christ in 2050

Click here to view/download the Status of Churches of Christ PowerPoint presentation that Tim Woodroof presented at Oklahoma Christian in September 2019.

IMP Booklets, Workbooks & Downloadable PDFs

Followship by Tim Woodroof

This booklet discusses the relationship between church leaders and church members – particularly the challenges presented by a wider culture where leadership is distrusted, doubted, and disputed. Is the attitude, “We will follow you anywhere we want to go” appropriate in the church or does God expect his people to adopt a different perspective.



Decision-Making for Church Leaders by Tim Woodroof

Church leaders make decisions. It’s not all they do, but no one with any experience as a church leader would deny that making decisions is an important part of the leadership role. Church leaders make decisions together. Unfortunately, the process of group decision-making in churches is rarely defined, which leads to important steps in good decision-making being omitted or violated. This booklet charts a clear path for your group decision-making in the context of church leadership and will give your leaders a place to start down the road to better decision making.


Non-Anxious Leadership by Tim Woodroof

Church leaders are as vulnerable to anxieties as church members…perhaps more so because they care so much. But because church leaders care about their churches, they must choose to be less anxious than the people they serve…or at least less controlled by their anxiety. A traumatic and church-threatening event many not occur in your congregation tomorrow or next week. But it will occur eventually…in every church…and it can happen at any time. It is precisely in anxious times that church leaders must avoid anxious behavior, if they are to lead churches to healthier and more productive futures.


Prepping for the Search Process by Tim Woodroof

The articles gathered in this white-paper give churches looking for a new minister not only an overview of IMP’s search process but also an insider look at “best practices” for conducting any minister search.

Whether you end up working directly with IMP or not, we want you to have a successful and kingdom-effective result from your search. We hope these articles will help make that happen.


Recommended Books

*Move your cursor over a book to see its description. Click on a book to order it from Amazon.

Video Presentations, Webinars and Audio Files


Online Articles

IMP Articles and Blog Series