What is “interim ministry”? Why should we bring in outside help for the interim process? Many members of local churches have never (or only rarely) been through a transition in ministerial leadership. They don’t know what to expect, how to proceed, or realize that the interim season can pose great difficulties and bring great opportunities. Inviting outside expertise into the process allows your church to glean from the experience and skills of someone who has been through transitions dozens of times with a wide variety of churches. Bringing someone from outside your church provides a fresh perspective on your congregation’s strengths and weaknesses, personalities and problems. The church experiences a higher level of ministerial competence and leadership as the interim minister (a skilled and experienced leader) works with them. Details about how the search process works, the timing and resources needed, questions to ask, the importance of confidentiality—these are the sorts of things that an Interim Minister knows well and brings to a church. It also takes time to do the hard work of thinking through what kind of person you are looking for. Who are we? Where are we going? Where is God calling us? What kingdom-mission are we meant to accomplish? Who are our neighbors? What are the needs in our community? How are we going to serve and reach our city? How can we make a real difference? These questions help you define the skills, competencies, experience, and heart of your next minister. Anyone can hire a minister who can write a nice sermon for Sunday mornings. Finding someone who can excite and lead, pick up the church’s vision and carry it forward, work with the needs and people God has gathered around you takes care, effort, and time. How much does an interim ministry cost? Our “search service” requires less time and travel and is significantly less expensive. This service commits one of our partners to setting up and leading your search committee, educating the committee about the search process and their various responsibilities through it, helping the committee surface viable candidates, and getting the committee to a point that they are confident in recommending a particular candidate to the elders and/or church. Although 2-3 “on site” visits are required, most of the interaction a partner has with the committee is via video conferencing. Both time and expenses are greatly reduced, making this service affordable for even the smallest church. Our “transition consulting service” is also a more affordable option for churches. One of our partners will meet with your elders (or leadership team) to discuss matters related to ministerial transition: the opportunities and challenges of navigating transition in healthy and helpful ways; developing a clear vision/mission for the church; leadership during times of transition; the search process. Some travel is involved. But the work is time-limited and much can be accomplished via video conferencing. What are the principle challenges of the interim season? Churches get nervous in times of uncertainty and change. If members: They can react with doubt, fear, criticism, gossip, anger, and desertion. Many churches struggle with declining attendance and giving (the problem of “butts and bucks”) during times of transition. Most often, this decline can be avoided by good communication, leadership that demonstrates a “non-anxious presence,” and a clear plan for moving ahead. Sadly, transition times also represent “gaps” in the life of a church into which people with agendas, personal biases, and unhealthy ambitions can insert themselves. While congregational leaders should listen to and love all their members, they should also be aware that some members—smelling transition in the air—will use the interim season to advance agendas and champion causes that, while personally important, may not be in the best interests of the congregation. The interim season is probably not the best time to undertake “doctrinal correction” or settle the women’s role issue or begin a building program. What are the principle opportunities of the interim season? If there were one mistake you would urge churches to avoid in the interim season, what would it be? Churches will forgive leaders many things, so long as they see in their leaders a commitment to communicate fully, honestly, and humbly. Better for leaders to say “I don’t know” than to keep mum. Better to confess “We made a mistake” than cover something up. Better to lay out a plan that misses important details than keep the church in the dark. When the church is in transition, nothing is more important for church leaders than to communicate … and then communicate again … and then communicate some more. Wear the church out with announcements, emails, letters, congregational meetings, telephone calls, personal pow-wows in the foyer, coffee meetings. When someone takes a leader aside to say, “If I hear one more word about this Interim Season, I’m gonna break out in hives!” you will know you’re doing a good job of communicating. Then make another announcement and watch closely. That brother or sister won’t really break out in hives. I promise! Who are the Interim Ministry Partners? Can we choose the particular Interim Ministry Partner who will be working with us? How many churches has IMP served in this capacity? We know what interim is about. We understand the challenges and the opportunities involved. If there are mistakes to avoid, we’ve seen them (we’ve probably committed them at one point or another!). If churches get nervous, we’ve “been there and done that” and weathered the rough waters of transition. If congregations need a “non-anxious presence” to provide calm, confidence-building leadership, we can provide that … and encourage that kind of leadership in congregational leaders. Experience doesn’t prevent mistakes. But it can prevent making the same mistakes. Interim Ministry Partners are experienced church leaders who know how to navigate times of transition. (We have the scars to prove it!) If you see the need for experienced leadership during a vulnerable season of your church’s life, you might want to contact us and let us help. How do I pay an IMP invoice? Payments can be mailed to: *Please include your invoice number on the memo line. You can also pay online at https://hopenetworkministries.org/pay-online/
HOPE Network Ministries
PO Box 274
Keller, Texas 76244