You and I are caught. We suspect there is a relationship with the Spirit more profound than what we have yet experienced. But the Spirit we often see in our religious neighbors makes us nervous. This Spirit seems strange to us, a being we do not recognize with an agenda we do not understand. In the Gospel of John, Jesus introduces us to the Paraclete — a Spirit ideally suited for the rest of us. Personal, intimate, life-giving, the Paraclete Jesus describes is a Spirit we ache to know. And in fact, this Spirit is no stranger to us — he is the essence of Jesus. How do we grow a relationship with this Spirit? How do we allow the Spirit to do transforming work in our lives? You’ll find more in these pages than theory and principle. As you read A Spirt for the Rest of Us and work through this workbook, you will discover practices for walking in the Spirit and making relationship with him a daily privilege.