Interim Ministry Partners (IMP) and the leaders of your church have agreed to work together for the purpose of strengthening and encouraging the church, navigating through the uncertainties of transition, and finding the next minister God is calling to lead this church into the future. (See “Working Agreement” for details of that relationship.)
This Schedule builds on our original Agreement and specifies dates that our church and the IMP Representative have reserved for the purpose of accomplishing the tasks set out in our Agreement.
Time Period:
The particular quarter covered by this “Schedule” will be identified below. (Fill in “Upcoming Quarter” box to specify the range of months addressed by this “Schedule.”)
As Leaders of our church, we understand that the start of a new quarter of association with Interim Ministry Partners triggers an additional quarterly “Tech Fee”: $250. This amount will be billed separately by Hope Network Ministries.
Weekends covered by this Agreement:
The Representative and our church commit ourselves to the dates listed below and reserve these dates to continue our work together.
- As per the Working Agreement, the “Point Person” of our church is responsible for checking the church’s calendar and excluding any weekends that have been previously reserved or excluded (e.g., public holidays) and do not require the Representative’s presence. Once the following dates are reserved and the “Schedule for Next Quarter” is signed, the church is responsible to honor these arrangements and its financial obligations for them.
- Also as per the Working Agreement, the Representative is responsible for checking his own calendar and excluding any weekends that have been previously scheduled. Once the following dates are reserved and the “Schedule” is signed, however, the Representative is responsible to honor these arrangements.
Dates Reserved:
Specific dates for the quarter under consideration should be entered into the “date fields” available below. Please enter the dates of the Sundays being reserved for the IMP Representative to be present with your church.
*A copy of this agreement will be emailed to the Church Representative, the Church Point Person, and the IMP Representative within 72 hours of signing/submitting.